Darija Dialect

by samsabir


2.49 usd

Moroccan Arabic, Darija, Moroccan Dialect, Arabe Marocain, Arabe maghrébin.

If you are a foreigner coming to Morocco for the purpose of studying, working, marriage, business or even tourism; then you are in the right place. We have a selection of categories that contain the most used words and phrases in the country. From nowadays you will not be afraid of using your Arabic skills to speak with locals. You will not be shy to negotiate prices in the market; you will not hesitate to show your love to your beloved Moroccan prince or princess by using a selection of words and phrases that are made just for you. This application is designed to take you step by step to be enable you to read and speak the Moroccan dialect. First of all the Moroccan dialect is much similar to the Algerian dialect, the Tunisian dialect, and a bit to the Libyan one. All the words used in the application are purely Moroccan to guarantee the origins of the its source. By using the application on a daily basic you will be able to speak and write the dialect without any problems with the help of the audio and the dialectical transcription. This going also to help you to read and text back Moroccan people. The application is organized in categories; each category contains the most common words used and also phrases and sentences. There are also pictures for each category to help you understand the real meaning of the word.The application is designed in a simple way to get access to a large category of users. The application can be used by small children and adults due to its simplicity. The pictures and the audio files are making it that simple to be used by everyone.learn Darija, Moroccan Arabic, Morocco, Arabic, dialect maroccain, Berber, dialect maghrebin, arabe marocain.More than 2000 VocabularyMore Modern and lively designReal AudioCorrecting all speeling mistakesContact us formReport a problem form addedMore pictures addedShare button addedBug fixedInfo button modified

Read trusted reviews from application customers

It's a somewhat random word list and a collection of phrases with sound files both in English and in Darija. It is neither very systematic or accurate. The English notation of Darija is inspired by Standard Arabic , and suggests that Darija has interdental th and dh. In the world list, singular and plural are sometimes confused. However, the sound files can be useful to learn a couple of words with the Moroccan pronunciation.

Louis Boumans

Would be a good app but after several words cannot hear the Moroccan words. Have to close the app and go back in.


I tried many app so far this is the best. Many categories and real audios. Perfect

A Google user

Amazing app. Now I can speak with my husband's family without Borders.

Kasia Smok